
Which Of The Following Is No Longer An Effective Method For Controlling Malaria?

  • Journal List
  • PLoS Biol
  • v.14(iii); 2016 Mar
  • PMC4774904

PLoS Biol. 2016 Mar; fourteen(iii): e1002380.

Tools and Strategies for Malaria Command and Elimination: What Practise We Need to Accomplish a K Convergence in Malaria?

Janet Hemingway

ane Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Liverpool, United Kingdom

Rima Shretta

2 Malaria Emptying Initiative, Global Health Group, Academy of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, California, United States of America

Timothy Northward. C. Wells

three Medicines for Malaria Venture, Geneva, Switzerland

David Bong

4 Global Good Fund and Intellectual Ventures Laboratory, Bellevue, Washington, United states of america of America

Abdoulaye A. Djimdé

5 Section of Epidemiology of Parasitic Diseases, Malaria Research and Training Center, University of Bamako, Bamako, Mali

Nicole Achee

vi Department of Biological Sciences, Eck Establish for Global Health, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana, United states of america of America

Gao Qi

7 Jiangsu Institute of Parasitic Diseases, Meiyuan, Wuxi, Jiangsu, People's Republic of Red china


Progress made in malaria control during the by decade has prompted increasing global dialogue on malaria elimination and eradication. The product evolution pipeline for malaria has never been stronger, with promising new tools to observe, treat, and prevent malaria, including innovative diagnostics, medicines, vaccines, vector control products, and improved mechanisms for surveillance and response. There are at least 25 projects in the global malaria vaccine pipeline, also every bit 47 medicines and xiii vector command products. In addition, there are several next-generation diagnostic tools and reference methods currently in development, with many expected to be introduced in the next decade. The development and adoption of these tools, bolstered past strategies that ensure rapid uptake in target populations, intensified mechanisms for data management, surveillance, and response, and connected financial and political commitment are all essential to achieving global eradication.


The past decade has seen considerable progress in reducing preventable mortality in low- and eye-income countries (LMICs), every bit evidenced by the 50% reduction in childhood deaths, 25% reduction in malaria cases, and the Earth Health Arrangement (WHO) certification of four countries as malaria-gratuitous [1]. This progress has led to continued optimism and commitments by global and regional partners to commit to malaria elimination and eradication within a generation. WHO's Global Technical Strategy for Malaria (GTS), recently endorsed by the World Wellness Associates in 2015, and the Roll Back Malaria (RBM) Partnership'south Action and Investment to defeat Malaria (AIM) have embraced the goal of a "earth complimentary of malaria" and have put forward ambitious targets of reducing malaria case incidence and mortality rates globally by at least 90% by 2030.

However, there remain an estimated 3.two billion people in 97 countries and territories at risk of malaria infection. Virtually 214 1000000 malaria cases were estimated to occur in 2015, leading to 438,000 deaths, and key challenges exist to sustaining and improving on recent gains [i]. Research-and-development spending on drugs, vaccines, and basic enquiry more than quadrupled betwixt 1993 and 2013, reaching United states$550 million annually. Nonetheless, connected investment in research and development and rapid deployment of new tools is needed (encounter Box 1). The plasticity of the mosquito and the Plasmodium parasite has led to increasing resistance to medicines and insecticides. Resistance to artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs) has been detected in five countries in Southeast Asia. The spread of these strains to Africa or the Indian subcontinent could exist catastrophic. In Africa, resistance has been detected confronting 2 or more insecticides in two-thirds of countries where malaria is endemic. Upward to eighty% of infections are asymptomatic, and Plasmodium vivax parasites remain dormant for months or even years after initial infection. Current field tests are not sensitive plenty to choice upwardly the low density of parasites in low-manual areas.

Box 1. V Central Papers in the Field

  1. Nikolaeva D, Draper SJ, Biswas S. Toward the development of effective transmission-blocking vaccines for malaria. Expert Rev Vaccines. 2015 Jan 19:1–28.

  2. Price RN, Nosten F. Unmarried-dose radical cure of Plasmodium vivax: a stride closer. Lancet. 2014 Mar 22;383(9922):1020–1.

  3. Wells TN, van Huijsduijnen RH, Van Voorhis WC. Malaria medicines: a glass half total? Nat Rev Drug Discov. 2015;14(6):424–42.

  4. Hemingway, J. The role of vector control in stopping the transmission of malaria: threats and opportunities. Phil Trans. Roy Soc. B. 369 20130431 2014 10.1098/RSTB.2013.0431

Every bit transmission decreases, it is increasingly clustered in at-risk populations such as wood workers, who oft migrate among job sites, taking the affliction with them; or geographically resistant areas or "hotspots" such every bit swamps and other sources of stagnant water that serve as breeding sites.

The Lancet Committee on Investing for Health determined that if the right investments are made in scaling upward existing wellness interventions and in developing new prevention, handling, and surveillance tools, the world could achieve a "thousand convergence" past 2035, with preventable deaths reaching universally depression levels and economic benefits exceeding cost by a factor of 9–twenty [ii]. Historically, LMICs that accept aggressively adopted new tools have seen an additional 2%-per-year refuse in child mortality rates compared with nonadopters [2]. Notwithstanding, adoption alone of new and existing tools with poor implementation volition have trivial touch on on disease transmission in the long term. The difficulty of maintaining major declines in disease following effective malaria control initiatives underscores the fragility of these successes [3]. Sustained success will require the combination of universal coverage of interventions with implementation of a robust surveillance system that collects, transmits, and analyzes data about cases and program activities in real time to inform rapid response strategies [4–6]. However, detection and response remain serious operational challenges in resources-constrained settings plagued by weak health and data systems and uncertain funding streams.

Constructive and efficient scale-up of existing interventions is required, which includes the early treatment of malaria cases with ACTs, intermittent preventive treatment for pregnant women (IPTp), and interventions that reduce human–vector contact, such as indoor balance spraying (IRS) or use of long-lasting insecticide-treated bed nets (LLINs).

Gains volition require non merely new approaches for scaling up existing strategies for malaria treatment and prevention to accost areas of high malaria transmission and interrupt parasite transmission, but too novel tools to counter the growing threat of drug and insecticide resistance and better surveillance mechanisms to more efficiently target interventions to populations and areas of high risk of malaria transmission.

We depict the tools and strategies that are currently existence used, as well as those on the near-term horizon, that have the potential to accelerate the decrease in malaria mortality and, thus, bend the curve. Nosotros besides identify opportunities and gaps in current inquiry.

Potential Game Changers on the Horizon

The current malaria landscape offers both opportunities and threats. Amongst the opportunities are new products that provide a stride alter in our ability to diagnose, prevent, or care for malaria (Fig ane). There are many threats, simply the most significant is that selective pressure will result in drug-resistant parasites or insecticide-resistant vectors that reduce the effectiveness of existing interventions. Malaria control and elimination demand new tools and technologies as well every bit better mechanisms for maintaining detailed surveillance and spatial decision back up systems (SDSS) that improve reporting and timeliness of activities [7].

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Projected time periods for introduction of novel malaria technology.

Accelerating toward eradication through innovative tools that monitor (surveillance), preclude (vector control, vaccines), and treat (drugs, diagnostics) malaria.

The majority of new products currently under development are in partnership with Product Evolution Partnerships (PDPs) such as the Program for Advisable Technology in Health (PATH); Malaria Vaccine Initiative (MVI), Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV), the Innovative Vector Control Consortium (IVCC), the Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics (Notice), Novartis Institute for Tropical Diseases (NITD), Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiatives (DNDi), and the European Vaccines Initiative (EVI).

There are over 100 products in the inquiry and development pipeline that will benefit regional elimination and global eradication goals. These range from innovative diagnostics, medicines, vaccines, and vector command products to improved mechanisms for surveillance and targeted responses. Many of these promising products are expected to be introduced within the next ten years (Fig 1).


Improved diagnostics are needed to monitor and measure changes in infection rates, clinch the quality of medicines and insecticides, and measure out characteristics that drive treatment selection. Current-generation Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDTs) are excellent for diagnosing people with symptomatic malaria, who have relatively high parasite densities. They take expanded admission to malaria diagnosis outside health facilities to more peripheral communities across the reach of microscopy. Withal, a critical step in reducing the infectious brunt of the disease is missing: current tests cannot detect either the low-level blood-phase infections of any malaria species or the dormant liver stages of P. vivax and P. ovale [8]. A highly sensitive point-of-care field exam is needed to apace detect low-density parasitemia and identify all infected individuals, enabling immediate handling.

In improver, improved betoken-of-care diagnostics for other causes of fever, especially multiplexed with malaria tests, volition be increasingly of import to accost the burden of other acute delirious disease and, in so doing, maintain the viability and legitimacy of the continued intensive screening for malaria necessary to drive down remainder transmission.

Bespeak of Care G6PD Deficiency Tests

P. vivax tin can be cured by 8-amino quinolones, such every bit primaquine [8]. Nevertheless, treating G6PD-scarce patients with primaquine is associated with a risk of astute hemolytic anaemia. Every bit such, it is necessary to discover individuals deficient in the G6PD enzyme to facilitate safe and effective treatment in patients with P. vivax. These tests are currently available only in limited facilities [9]. The immediate availability of data on enzyme deficiency, through rapid testing and expert admission to data, volition enable the calibration-upwardly of effective P. vivax treatments to drive malaria transmission down.

Next Generation RDTs and Screening Tests

The Infection Detection Test (IDT) is aimed at a limit of detection an order of magnitude lower than that of current RDTs while maintaining affordability and ease of use. It has the potential to detect infections subconscious from current case direction tests and plays a major office in elimination settings. The development of field-deployable survey tools such every bit serology and parasite-detecting tests that can identify population hot spots volition enable more effective targeting of intensive screening, mass drug administration, and other interventions aimed at residual foci of transmission.

Reference Methods

As countries approach malaria elimination, the proportion of low-density and asymptomatic infections increases, and new reference standards that discover antigens, nucleic acids, or other biomarkers are needed for diagnosis and tracking changes in the rate of malaria infections. In that location are two main molecular methods available: Loop-mediated isothermal distension (LAMP) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). These are capable of detecting low-density parasitemia, while PCR may likewise distinguish between local and imported cases. While their field applicability remains limited, the cost and complication of these assays are decreasing.

Insecticide Quantification Kits

Simple bespeak-of-use kits have been developed to allow quality assurance of insecticide formulations and field-based measurement of IRS quality. These demand to replace insecticide bioassay methods, which are impractical in resource-limited public health systems and rarely used in operational programs despite being recommended as the golden standard.

Medicines for the Treatment and Prevention of Malaria

The overall goal of new medicines is twofold. First, it is important to have new medicines available that are active confronting emerging resistant strains of the parasite. Second, as part of the malaria elimination agenda, simpler courses of treatment would exist useful. Over the last decade, 5 new fixed-dose ACTs have been launched, of which only one (artemether-lumefantrine) is available every bit a child-friendly taste-masked conception. Over the next few years, more pediatric ACT versions volition be launched. The availability of five different partner drugs is essential: partner drug resistance is increasingly mutual, and, thus, a range of options are needed. Looking to the future, there is nonetheless telescopic for improvement. Current treatments are taken over 3 days, and compliance with the full form of handling is poor. A malaria medication allowing a unmarried-dose cure, and, therefore, directly observed therapy, would exist ideal. In add-on, the relative importance of P. vivax infections is ascension: P. vivax develops fallow forms or hypnozoites, which effect in multiple malaria episodes from a single infection. The ideal medicine for handling would therefore take activity against the asexual and sexual blood stages of the parasite as well equally against the hypnozoites where nowadays (P. vivax and P. ovale). In high-transmission areas, such a medicine could provide postal service-treatment prophylaxis, providing a period of protection for a child after handling. Although an aggressive target, a single-see, radical cure would exist of keen benefit in malaria emptying, circumventing many problems on price, logistical management, and adherence issues [x,eleven]. One critical success gene is that any new compound being developed must exist agile against preexisting resistant strains. There is also a need for cost-effective malaria chemoprophylaxis for vulnerable groups such every bit modest infants and pregnant women. Increasingly, as the eradication agenda proceeds, at that place will be a need to protect people from malaria-gratis districts travelling to areas of high endemicity: for instance, in Republic of zambia, travelers from the south of the state are hardly exposed to infection, accept little immune protection, and, thus, are at a high risk of infection when travelling to the highly endemic north.

New Blood Schizonticides in Phase Two

Currently, there are iv new medicines that accept reached clinical Phase Ii, where they accept been shown to exist active in curing malaria: OZ439, a third-generation endoperoxide; KAE609, an inhibitor of the parasite sodium channel PfATP4; KAF156, whose machinery of resistance includes the previously unannotated cyclic amine resistance locus; and DSM265, an inhibitor of the parasite dihydroxyorotate dehydrogenase (DHODH). All four products, which accept been discovered inside the last decade, are fully active confronting master clinical isolates, including the recently characterized artemisinin-resistant strains [12]. They are all relatively fast-acting compounds, but, in contrast to artemisinin, all compounds have long half-lives and show potential to requite coverage for over a calendar week from a single dose. The challenge moving forward is to place the best possible combinations. 1 pick is to become with existing partner drugs such as piperaquine, which is well understood clinically, but for which resistant field isolates exist. The second option is to partner with newer members of the old families: ferroquine or pyronaridine, which have lower risk of resistance. The final option is to pair two new drugs. All three approaches are being considered in the current development pipeline: OZ439 is being tested in a Phase IIb combination trial with piperaquine and is about to exist tested in another with ferroquine, both in partnership betwixt MMV and Sanofi. Early on combination studies with OZ439 and DSM265 are being carried out in controlled human being infection models. KAE609 combination studies are planned for 2016 by MMV and Novartis, although the partner drug strategy has not been finalized.

Manual Blocking: Low-Dose Primaquine and Beyond

Artemisinin combination therapies are not agile confronting the late-stage (Stage V) gametocytes, and patients can even so conduct infectious gametocytes even though they are cured of the asexual forms of the parasite. Primaquine has been shown to be active against these gametocytes with a single low dose of 0.25 mg/kg. In October 2012, WHO released an updated policy recommendation, endorsing this regimen in addition to ACTs [13,14]. In contrast, a 2012 Cochrane report concluded that in that location was not sufficient evidence to determine whether primaquine reduces gametocyte prevalence and density enough to have an effect on transmission in communities where many infected individuals are asymptomatic [8]. Recent reviews of primaquine in G6PD-deficient patients suggest that the single low dose of primaquine is unlikely to cause hemolysis [15], although safety concerns were sufficient that the more effective, college dose of 0.75 mg/kg was non recommended. Several trials, expected to be reported in 2016, are underway to provide additional evidence that adding a single low-dose treatment of primaquine to ACTs can help reduce transmission of P. falciparum malaria, as outlined in the Primaquine Roadmap developed past the Malaria Elimination Initiative of the University of California, San Francisco [xvi]. The newer medicines in the development pipeline accept action in vitro in standard membrane feeding assays (SMFA) at concentrations similar to those achieved clinically. Studies in controlled man malaria infection (CHMI) models are ongoing to confirm whether this activity is seen clinically. If so, the newer generation of drugs could exist seen to be primaquine-sparing, to prolong its global utility as an constructive drug, or, at best, forestall transmission without whatever need for primaquine.


The relapses acquired by activation of hypnozoites of P. vivax tin can be prevented by a 14-day course of primaquine. This plainly presents problems with compliance in asymptomatic patients. In add-on, this regimen carries with it a risk of hemolysis in G6PD-deficient patients. Tafenoquine, a new medicine based on the same 8-aminoquinoline scaffold, originally discovered by the Walter Reed Regular army Institute of Research (WRAIR), has recently shown great promise in Stage 2 trials and is currently being tested in pivotal Phase III trials by GlaxoSmithKline in partnership with MMV [17]. Tafenoquine use would still crave a G6PD diagnostic test. The search for new molecules that can be used to kill hypnozoites without the need for such a exam is beingness intensified, although so far no candidates have been identified.

Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention (SMC)

SMC involves assistants of treatment on a monthly basis to coincide with the annual peak in malaria transmission. This intervention is highly effective in reducing the incidence of clinical malaria and anemia in young children, and, in 2012, WHO recommended implementation of SMC for children under the age of five in areas of the Sahel subregion of Africa with highly seasonal transmission. This recommendation is now existence implemented increasingly in countries of the Sahel. Although less extensively researched, and not yet recommended past WHO, evidence suggests that SMC is as effective in older children [xviii].

Tabular array one contains a description of the potential global drug pipeline in July 2015. 40-seven medicines are at varying stages in development, with those in translational and developmental phases given in Tabular array i [eleven, nineteen, xx].

Tabular array i

Global drug pipeline.

Preclinical Phase I Phase Ii Phase 3
Oxaboroles Sevuparin KAE609 Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole
P218 ACT451840 OZ439 + piperaquine Tafenoquine
PA21A092 MMV390048 Fosmidomycin + piperaquine
NPC1161B CDRI 97/78 OZ439 + ferroquine
SJ557733 Methylene blueish
DDD107498 AQ13
GSK030 DSM265
AZ412 KAF156


Vaccines are generally classified into 3 approaches: pre-erythrocytic vaccines aim to prevent claret-stage infection; blood-stage vaccines aim to articulate parasitaemia and prevent clinical disease; and manual-blocking vaccines aim to foreclose infection of mosquitoes and interrupt malaria transmission in populations. At that place is a growing appreciation that vaccines combining multiple targets and stages volition be required for achieving and sustaining elimination.

The development of effective malaria vaccines has been a major goal of the malaria research community for many decades. In 2006, the global Malaria Vaccine Engineering science Roadmap established the goal of developing an 80%-effective vaccine against P. falciparum malaria by 2025 that would provide protection for longer than four years, with an interim landmark of a l%-effective vaccine of one-year elapsing by 2015 [21]. The new Technology Roadmap updated in 2012 outlines that by 2030, vaccines should be developed that provide at to the lowest degree 75% protective efficacy confronting clinical malaria, reduce manual of the parasite, and can be deployed in mass campaigns [22].

Because of the complex life cycle of the Plasmodium parasite, host immune response efforts have been focused most recently on the pre-erythrocytic stage of infection to protect against the early stage of malaria infection and thereby block affliction progression to blood-red blood cells and clinical malaria [23]. Notwithstanding, the potential of transmission-blocking vaccines and the demand for P. vivax vaccines in malaria elimination is increasingly existence recognized.

RTS,South, a pre-erythrocytic vaccine for the prevention of clinical P. falciparum malaria in children, is the beginning vaccine to successfully complete a Phase 3 clinical trial. The vaccine has recently been approved by the European Medicines Agency, and WHO was imminently expected to make the starting time malaria vaccine policy recommendations. The trials, conducted in African children, demonstrated a vaccine efficacy for clinical malaria of 50% in children anile 5–17 months old just only 30% in infants, the target population [24]. While RTS,S demonstrates that a malaria vaccine is possible, an platonic candidate to back up global eradication efforts would need to take a higher efficacy [25].

A highly constructive transmission-blocking vaccine with the ability to interrupt transmission of the Plasmodium parasite from infected humans to naïve mosquitoes would be a key tool for malaria emptying [26], but such a vaccine would require an extensive enquiry-and-development agenda. This includes consensus among experts regarding the clinical and entomological metrics required to assess whether a modify in manual has occurred, equally well as the tools needed to effectively mensurate the end point of reduced transmission of parasites to mosquitoes. A standalone manual-blocking vaccine offers protection at the customs level, but does not offer the vaccinated private protection against becoming infected past Plasmodium. Therefore, the ideal vaccine would be a combination of vaccines that protects individuals against disease and/or Plasmodium infection and stops transmission of multiple species (and strains), especially the most widespread, P. falciparum and P. vivax. Such combination vaccines are even so to be adult and will non exist commercially available in the side by side decade (Table 2).

Table 2

Current malaria vaccine clinical trial pipeline.

Vaccine blazon Phase Ia Phase Ib Phase IIa Phase IIb Phase Three
ChAd63/MVA ME-TRAP + Matrix M Ad35.CS Ad35.CS/RTS,S-AS01 ChAd63/MA ME-TRAP RTS,South-AS01
Pre-erythrocytic Polyepitope DNA EP 1300 PfSPZ AD35.CS/Ad26.CS
PfCelTOS FMP012 ChAd63/MCA
CSVAC M3V.Advertising.PfCA
ChAd63.AMA/MVA.AMA1 + AI/CPG7909 EBA 175.R2 ChAd63/MVA MSP i GMZ2
Blood Stage SE36 ChAd63.AMA1/MVA.AMA1 MSP3
ChAd63/MVA PvDBP * FMP2.1-AS01B
Transmission-blocking Pfs25-EPA

Of the 25 malaria vaccine projects in global development, four are in Stage IIb or Three trials [26,27]. All but one electric current vaccine candidate target P. falciparum solitary, which volition likely non be sufficient given the increasing proportion of patients with P. vivax or mixed infections. Then, there are 3 other species to be considered: P. malariae, P. ovale, and P. knowlesi, the latter being a zoonotic species.

Public Health Insecticides

Pyrethroids developed in the 1970s and 1980s are predominantly used for IRS and LLINs. As these interventions have been scaled upwards, particularly in Africa, over the last decade, pyrethroid resistance has gone from rare frequency and low-level in Anopheles gambiae to Africa-broad and high-level, and, in some instances, greater than one,000-fold levels of resistance compared to susceptible insects [28]. The IVCC was established in 2005 in response to the problem of insecticide resistance and the pressing need for an culling long-lasting insecticide. The portfolio of products since established is given in Tabular array 3. Syngenta, in collaboration with the IVCC, has reformulated an organophosphate insecticide, Actellic 300CS, to double the longevity of the effective treatment period [29,xxx]. This product is speedily replacing pyrethroids for IRS, but, as the product is inherently more expensive, information technology has price implications. In addition, replacing one monotherapy, which is the exclusive use of 1 chemical class, with some other volition inevitably lead to the failure of this insecticide without careful direction [31].

Tabular array 3

Current vector command pipeline.

Application Research Field Testing WHO Pesticide Evaluation Scheme (WHOPES) Testing
Indoor Residual Spray Chlofenapyr
Long-Lasting Indoor Residual Spray Alphacypermethrin SB
Long-Lasting Insecticide-Treated Bednet Repurposed active ingredients from ingather protection Akanet LN Chlorfenapyr/pyrethroid
New active ingredients Miranet LN Pyriproxyfen/pyrethroid
Repurposed crop protection compounds Olyset Duo LN DawaPlus 2.0 LN
Panda Net 2.0 LN Olyset Plus LN*
Veeralin LN PermaNet 3.0 LN*
Yahe LN
ITN Treatment Kit ICON MAXX*
Larvacide VectoMax GR

The urgent requirement is to bring new chemistry to the public health insecticide market. Three new insecticides will be developed from a portfolio of at to the lowest degree nine novel chemistries currently under evaluation [32]. The Innovation to Impact initiative brings together multiple stakeholders to place mechanisms to effectively shorten the development and registration times for these new products so they accomplish the market place sooner.

It may be possible to reduce selection for resistance with constructive integrated vector control. While this strategy is widely promoted, its scale-up potential is limited. Both IRS and LLINs target mosquitoes that bite and rest indoors, but these mainstream interventions do not affect remainder outdoor transmission, which is significant in some areas [32,33]. The largest gap in the vector control portfolio is an intervention that tin be used at scale to target outdoor resting and outdoor biting mosquito populations. While a number of possible products are being evaluated for the outdoor market, in that location is no single plainly scalable intervention that can be recommended today.

Other Potential Vector Control Methods

A diverseness of other noninsecticidal intervention methods are under evolution. These include novel genetic approaches and inheritable bacterial endosymbionts. Insects in which the nuclear genome of maternally inherited endosymbionts, such equally Wolbachia, take been altered, are released into the target field populations of Anopheles. These approaches aim to reduce transmission by reducing the population size, lifespan, or ability to transmit the malaria parasite. To engagement, Aedes mosquitoes have proven more tractable to these approaches, with large-calibration field trials underway to test the feasibility of Wolbachia or tetracycline-sensitive lethal positive feedback loops. In Anopheles, progress is existence made with homing endonuclease genes (HEGs) [34]. Withal, mainstream adoption of these tools and technologies is nonetheless a mid-term rather than a short-term goal.

Surveillance and Response

In countries that have reached the elimination stage, defined by WHO as those with less than ane diagnosed case of malaria per 1,000 people at run a risk per yr, strong surveillance systems are critical to prevent outbreaks. As malaria transmission declines, cases become concentrated in at-risk populations ("hot pops") or regions ("hot spots"). Epidemiological surveillance is needed to detect "hot pops" and "hot spots," which tin can and so be targeted for enhanced malaria control. Surveillance in the emptying context strives to identify and respond promptly to every malaria case, ideally inside 24 hours [35]. Several key features narrate an platonic surveillance organisation for malaria elimination.

Reporting and case investigation must be rapid and consummate to identify symptomatic and asymptomatic cases and prevent additional malaria infections. This tin exist accomplished using either agile or passive approaches. Passive surveillance may be adequate in areas with historically low manual and good admission to health facilities. Active case detection may be needed for difficult-to-accomplish populations who do not attend wellness facilities, also equally asymptomatic cases that keep to transmit the parasite in the absenteeism of symptoms.

The most widely adopted surveillance and response arroyo is reactive instance detection (RACD), whereby household members, neighbors, and other contacts of passively detected cases are screened for infection and treated with antimalarials [36–38]. China has taken this a step further and implemented a successful "ane-3-7" policy, which defines targets of reporting individual cases within one day, conducting case confirmation and investigation inside 3 days, and rolling out appropriate public health response to prevent further transmission inside seven days [39].

Surveillance in an elimination context demands integration of related data, such as census or wellness survey information, cardinal data storage and management, automated and expert data assay, and customized outputs and feedback that pb to timely and targeted interventions [4–6]. Robust surveillance systems that integrate and synthesize data beyond multiple sources and use mobile technology will make actionable data available to determination makers at the local, district, and national levels in virtually real time. Ideal surveillance systems leverage tools like Geographic Information Systems (GIS), spatial modeling, and SDSS to map and predict malaria transmission risk and guide effective, targeted responses at a local level. In elimination programs, and in preventing the reintroduction of malaria to eliminated areas, mapping the risk of receptivity and vulnerability is essential to target surveillance operations. SDSS, which uses automatic assay of geospatial data related to malaria transmission, holds promise for helping countries in pre-elimination and emptying stages use malaria case data to produce authentic take a chance maps at effectively scales, map intervention coverage, and guide control programs to improve effectiveness and efficiency [seven].

Malaria in high-take chances populations constitutes one of the nearly intractable challenges to control efforts. An example is in the Greater Mekong subregion, where massive human migration occurs across porous borders, sustaining and spreading multidrug-resistant P. falciparum malaria. Often, these groups reside in rural areas with poor admission to treatment, are migrant workers, or are economically or politically marginalized. Patterns of human mobility help requite country managers disquisitional data nearly the risk of reintroducing the parasite into areas with little or no malaria.

Surveillance itself is an elimination intervention that reduces transmission if detection of focal outbreaks and treatment of infections from the infectious reservoir can occur rapidly. Taken together, the information provided by a robust surveillance and response system allows resources to exist deployed in a timely, targeted, and efficient fashion. Operational research to place the effectiveness of various surveillance strategies is currently underway.

Mass Drug Administration

Mass screening and treatment using RDTs of populations at high take a chance of malaria has been shown to be ineffective at reducing malaria transmission, nigh likely because of the big proportion of infections that are left undetected and untreated. Parasite densities are usually low in asymptomatic individuals, and RDTs equally well as PCRs from filter paper blood spots lack sufficient sensitivity to observe low densities.

Recently, at that place has been renewed interest in the empiric administration of a therapeutic antimalarial regimen to an entire population at the same fourth dimension, otherwise known as mass drug administration (MDA). This presumptive antimalarial treatment of targeted populations is as well chosen targeted malaria elimination (TME) and targeted malaria treatment (TMT), or targeted parasite elimination (TPE). The potential impact of MDA on malaria is large, reducing the chances of malaria mortality and morbidity through its direct therapeutic or condom consequence on individuals who receive a treatment dose of antimalarials. MDA can reduce transmission rates by reducing parasitaemia prevalence and interrupting various stages of the parasite life cycle. Some antimalarial drugs could inhibit the sporogonic bicycle in the mosquito, reducing its vectorial capacity. If every member of a given population is treated by antimalarial MDA, an firsthand reduction in asexual parasite prevalence in the population would result.

A 2013 Cochrane systematic review concluded that MDA of antimalarials appears to substantially reduce the initial risk of malaria parasitaemia [39], just there remain knowledge gaps, especially on optimal target population size, methods to improve coverage, and primaquine rubber [40,41].

Targeted MDA volition likely be used to block transmission in foci and advance the impact of vector control and access to diagnosis and treatment in malaria emptying programs. One key consequence here is that medicines such every bit ACTs and primaquine have been registered based on a clinically demonstrated risk:benefit ratio in symptomatic patients. The testify base for an appropriate risk:benefit ratio in asymptomatic or noninfected subjects will need continual attention.

The regimen used for MDA should differ from the commencement-line treatment in the aforementioned area, and so that treatment and condom treatment do not add together to the choice pressure for resistance on a unmarried drug. Current trials use a full course of dihydroartemisinin/piperaquine (DHA-P), and a unmarried low dose of primaquine is added to the drug combination to arrest gametocytaemia. Alternative antimalarials, such equally artemether combined with lumefantrine, tin can be considered, but this partner drug has a shorter half-life. A minimum of 3 "rounds" of drug administration is needed to ensure an bear on on transmission. Preliminary information bear witness that DHA-P is constructive in curing asymptomatic parasite carriers, equally well equally in areas with established artemisinin resistance. With no appropriate alternative antimalarials currently available, in that location is no real substitute for ACTs for use in TMT. The potential gamble of increasing drug pressure with ACTs by using a mass drug handling arroyo on an already resistant parasite population is well recognized.

Complicating deployment, it is non known whether many medicines considered for MDA are condom during first-trimester pregnancy. This presents additional problems if the medicines are deployed in Africa, where pregnancies are not normally reported in the first trimester.

Getting Ahead of the Resistance Bend

Vigilance for the emergence and spread of drug-resistant parasites and declining treatment efficacy is crucial. While resistance is a major problem, the current response has been reactive rather than proactive. The resistance phenotypes accept to be selected before establishing the underlying mechanism of the resistance, followed past simplified methodologies to track resistance as it moves through parasites in insect vector populations and to establish the resistance's bear upon on interventions. The advent of mod high-throughput genome sequencing and big data analytics has opened upward the potential for a more proactive approach. Genome sequencing allows signatures of pick to exist identified as soon every bit a new intervention is used. The power to predetermine the genes under selection before an intervention is deployed at scale will let the pattern of constructive resistance-management strategies to maximize the efficacy of both medicines and insecticides.


Collectively, the pipeline of new malaria prevention and treatment tools has never been healthier. However, the scale at which current treatments are being deployed has facilitated the widespread emergence of resistance, creating an urgent need for amend field diagnostic tools and new methods for quickly, cost-effectively, and accurately detecting and preventing importation of malaria parasites in low-endemic settings. To ensure that these tools are able to contribute effectively to rapid reductions in malaria transmission, advisable scale-up and roll-out strategies must be developed. Better approaches to surveillance will both identify key sources and pathways of malaria manual and focus diagnosis, treatment, and prevention resources where they can be almost effective in accelerating parasite elimination and saving lives. New strategies will also help to identify the most efficient ways to deploy interventions. If these interventions are properly implemented in an integrated and complementary fashion, we volition be able to sustain and build upon the impressive reductions that take been achieved to date, significantly enhancing the prospects for malaria elimination.


The authors wish to thank Roly Gosling and Kamini Mendis for their all-encompassing reviews of this paper. Give thanks you to Shawn Wen for help with referencing, background review, and graphics.


ACTs artemisinin-based combination therapies
AIM Activeness and Investment to defeat Malaria
CHMI Controlled Homo Malaria Infection
DHA-P dihydroartemisinin/piperaquine
DHODH dihydroxyorotate dehydrogenase
DNDi Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiatives
EVI European Vaccines Initiative
Discover Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics
GIS Geographic Information Systems
GTS Global Technical Strategy for Malaria
HEGs homing endonuclease genes
IDT Infection Detection Test
IPTp intermittent preventive treatment for pregnant women
IRS indoor residual spraying
IVCC Innovative Vector Control Consortium
LAMP Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification
LLINs long-lasting insecticide-treated bed nets
LMICs low- and centre-income countries
MDA mass drug assistants
MMV Medicines for Malaria Venture
MVI Malaria Vaccine Initiative
NITD Novartis Institute for Tropical Diseases
PATH Programme for Appropriate Engineering in Health
PCR Polymerase Chain Reaction
PDPs Product Development Partnerships
RACD reactive case detection
RBM Roll Back Malaria
RDTs Rapid Diagnostic Tests
SDSS spatial conclusion back up systems
SMC Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention
SMFA Standard Membrane Feeding Assays
TME targeted malaria elimination
TMT targeted malaria treatment
TPE targeted parasite elimination
WHOPES WHO Pesticide Evaluation Scheme
WRAIR Walter Reed Regular army Institute of Enquiry

Funding Statement

The Article Processing Charges for this newspaper were funded past The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, who also provided funding for a commissioning fee of $2,000. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation had no role in report blueprint, data drove and analysis, conclusion to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.


Provenance:The newspaper was commissioned by the Collection Coordinators, Gavin Yamey and Carlos Morel, in collaboration with the PLOS Biology and PLOS Medicine editors.


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Which Of The Following Is No Longer An Effective Method For Controlling Malaria?,


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